Are Brushcutters Worth It? The uses of Brushcutters & What to look out for when purchasing
With the warmer weather fast approaching, we often resonate summer with the sound of lawnmowers, brush cutters, and strimmers. There’s always someone, somewhere keeping their lawn or land tidy. You may think why all these machines have if they all do a similar thing. They may all cut greenery, but different tools are suitable for different tasks. For those hard to reach or particularly overgrown places, a lawnmower just won’t cut it, and you turn to a different tool for aid.
Brush cutter VS Strimmer
Although some people use this term synonymously, they are different. Despite these machines appearing visually similar, they have a distinct differences in cutting equipment. A strimmer has a nylon line to cut with which makes it suitable for grass and edges, but a brush cutter had a metal cutting blade, allowing it to be used for more heavy-duty applications, like cutting through thick grass, shrubs, weeds, bracket, bushes and even small trees. Because of this they also have a more powerful motor to support this.
Typically, strimmers are best utilized in a domestic setting for those with little areas to neaten up like long grass, weeds, and nettles. Whereas brush cutters are typically more suitable for landowners or those with large areas of ground to cover like professional garden maintenance teams.
Why should you use a brush cutter?
There are advantages and disadvantages of using a brush cutter machine and this article from SFGATE depicts them pretty well. Within this, they discuss that the technique for using a brush cutter is not as simple to master as other equipment, and due to how the blade ration works and their cutting area, there is a specific way you must handle and maneuver the machine to use it safely.
On the reverse side., an impressive advantage of brush cutters in comparison to other machinery is their versatility. Different blade attachments can be used depending on what you are needing to cut. They are also highly durable, the more important part of the machine to monitor and take care of is the blade if you are frequently cutting in areas that are rocky or have hard branches.
Different types of brush cutters
To make things even more complex there are different types of brush cutters, each of which is designed to make certain actions simpler so many people recommend different types based on what they use the brush cutter for, how often, and personal preference.
Bicycle handle brush cutters
This is a popular type of brush cutter and more people instantly recognize this when they see maintenance workers with them or in advertisements, they are eye-catching, and a lot of people like the look of them alongside their practicality. Ideal for those who spend a lot of time using these machines, the combination of the harness can be more comfortable to use for those working with them for extended periods. However, these bicycle handles are ideal for fairly flat surfaces as it does not give you as much control as other handle types offer.
Loop handle brush cutters
This type of brushcutter is more suitable if the terrain of your property is not entirely flat. Due to the handles, this type of brush cutter allows for more control and maneuverability to work around obstacles as well as move the machine above waist height to tackle shrubbery which is higher. In terms of usability, this type of handle is still comfortable to use for long periods however users have stated that there is higher vibration felt during use in comparison to the bicycle handle alternatives.
Choosing the right brush cutter.
Once you have decided if a brush cutter is required you may be overwhelmed at the abundance of choices here. There are numerous brands with brush cutters both designed for domestic use and professional use. Husqvarna’s blog about things to consider when choosing a brush cutter highlight some of the key areas that you need to look out for while in the market for a brush cutter. Which includes:
- If you are buying for domestic use or professional.
- the amount you intend to use the machine
- the size of the land, layout, and how complex the terrain is (in terms of obstacles, and vegetation)
So what brands offer brush cutters? Each of these brands typically has different types of brush cutters within their offered ranges including bike handle and look handle as well as petrol or battery powered.
Honda offers a range of brush cutters with different handle types, as well as this they offer petrol and cordless brush cutters as well as more heavy-duty ones designed for professionals. Browse our range of Honda brush cutters Here
Stihl also has a great range of brush cutters, similarly, they also offer both petrol and battery alternatives. Browse our range of Stihl brush cutters here
Husqvarna offer a range of brush cutters, they have both petrol and battery options available and have a range of professional brush cutters designed for those who are looking for something more heavy-hitting or are frequent users. Browse our range now.
So… Are they worth it?
What do you think? View our range of strimmers and brush cutters at Gammies now