Women in Agriculture

Women in Agriculture

Agriculture is an Industry where anyone with a passion can thrive in, Statistics indicate that women represent 43 percent of the worlds agricultural labor force and according to the FAO, 48 percent of agricultural employment across low-income countries. However, despite these statistics women still face higher constraints when it comes to access of essential resources in agriculture and food production.

Reports have been made highlighting that despite their disadvantage from the get-go their skill and production ability is not lacking, therefore National Geographic believe that if female farmers had the ability to access the same resources as their male counterparts than there would be a drastic increase in food production. This would of course lead to immense benefits for the families and communities in these areas.

Representation of women in Agriculture is vital in inspiring the next generation and to aid in closing the gender gap in countries where it is directly affecting working women, as well as in countries where constraints are not as apparent but which some aspects of a male dominated industry culture remains.



Women in Agriculture has been a topic of interest throughout history, this is not a new concept. Although the majority of the time this is viewed as a male dominated industry, women have maintained their part in agricultural work since around 10,000 B.C with a particular surge during World War I and II where, when men left to fight, women were left to work and take care of the farms and maintained this industry throughout the wars. The Women’s Land Army was essential in boosting the food production in Britain during war time, they recruited women to tend to the lands, carry out dairy work, as rat catchers, for horticultural tasks, land reclamation work and preparation of wood. This then dropped again after the war where many returned to their original occupations, however, skip to the late 1990’s, female roles in Agriculture began to see a drastic rise.


The Gap

Although gender restrictions vary from country to country, it’s easy to believe that just because the gap is not as severe or apparent in our own, that it simply doesn’t exist which isn’t the case. Despite the industry making steps towards equality with the growing number of female farmers, the industry isn’t without barriers which makes lives more difficult for these farmers. Considering the high number of female farmers, not all these farmers are the one’s making day-to-day decisions and often in situations of co-ownership, females tend to step back as a communicator and let their male partners handle issues such as finance, deals and communicating with external companies due to ease as these third parties often assume the male in the partnership is the leading decision maker.

Women statistically are more inclined to adopt or investigate environmentally conscious practices in comparison to their male counterparts. This difference can cause a rift during co-ownerships and can cause further divides. However, this difference breaches into a different gap commonly labeled the eco gender gap where statistically, overall women tend to be more environmentally oriented and committed to ethical living in comparison to men.


Current Influencers

Due to social media effectively enhancing voices there are a lot of women taking to social media to serve as an example of the upcoming generations of women in Agriculture, including:


Hannah Jackson

When you think of a female in Agriculture who has excelled their voice using social media you would look to Hannah. A 29year old, first-generation farmer who beyond representing females in the industry, has spoken out about pressures facing the industry including the increase in costs with the simultaneous demand for lower prices from the public. Alongside being a best-selling author, Hannah has racked up a large social media following where she has more than 74k followers on Instagram. She shares her experience as a farmer and everything she has learnt along the way.

Check out the Farmers Guardian’s article on Hannah for a more in-depth story on how she got to where she is now.


Liz Haines

A columnist for Farmers weekly, AHDB dairy board member and a great example of women in Agriculture using their platform to not only encourage the next generation but speak and discuss the issues currently affecting the industry. Liz uses her platform to speak about the dairy industry alongside other aspects of Agriculture and to advocate the importance of British farming to the food industry.


Gammies Women in Agriculture

At Gammies we have some wonderful women of our own who work within the Agricultural industry.


Our Service Receptionist Debz, as well as working with machinery and fixing up Automowers at Gammies, also helps out at her family farm which has both sheep and cattle.

What do you like about working in Agriculture?

“I love most aspects of it, mainly being outside and the animals themselves, there’s nothing better than lambing season. Within my Job here at Gammies I love working with the machinery, every day is different and I’m always learning something new”

Would you encourage more women to get into Agriculture?  

“Working in Agriculture is extremely rewarding, and I would highly encourage anyone who loves the outdoors to get into it. I believe that education in schools will be vital in encouraging the new generation of farmers. More education on the sector with real-world, hands-on experience would be beneficial in igniting the love of the countryside into the next generation of female farmers”


Our Office Supervisor also spends her time working at her Family Farm with Sheep and Cattle. She spends her weekends there and takes more time to help during lambing season.

What do you like about working in Agriculture?

“I have been on the Farm since I was little, I was brought up with it, so it comes very natural to me. There’s no better feeling than watching the lambs in the field after a successful lambing season, knowing that you helped bring them into the world”

Would you encourage more women to get into Agriculture?

“If they want to do it then they should definitely go for it. I believe a large part about giving people access into the industry lies in education, not only in schools but in higher education. For example, Lantra which participate in the Women in Agriculture Practical Training Fund to aid women in progressing their careers in Agriculture. Schemes like this are particularly important for the industry”


Overall, inspiring and encouraging the next generation of female farmers will ensure the continuous rise of females working within this Industry. As well as this, further education about the role of not only female led Agriculture, but the whole Agricultural industry throughout the world, will further encourage more people to be better informed on the importance of Agriculture and will provide better support for the industry as it continues to face new pressures.